Join The Drone Mentor Community NOW!
Become a part of the friendliest drone community in the world and connect with pilots from across the globe.
From Beginner to Expert; this group is packed full of like-minded people and gives you access to EXCLUSIVE tips, tricks and resources, that you won't find anywhere else!
Create your FREE Account now and join us inside!
So that we can create your FREE account and send you the access details to The Drone Mentor community, you'll need to confirm your email address AFTER submitting this form. Once you've done that, we'll create your account and send you a link to the community. We'll also add you to our newsletter, so we can keep you up to date with future announcements and things that are going on inside the community. Don't worry - we'll NEVER spam you or share your information with anyone and you can easily unsubscribe at any time! :)
By building this community, we're creating a SAFE space for all drone pilots to Learn, Build and Grow!
Everyone is welcome here and please feel free to get involved and ask any questions you'd like...
As we have members from all over the world, we don't chat about specific drone regulations, we don't question the legalities of drone flights and we don't talk about the frustrations that we might face as drone operators because of the rules and regulations...
We have 3 simple rules here, that we ask all of our members to stick to:
1. Be KIND
We all look out for each other, encourage each other and keep things light-hearted. :)
We're all here because of our love of aviation.
Because we've got a passion for flight or something that's associated with getting our feet off the ground.
Let's embrace that common interest and use it to make new friends, forge new relationships and make the world a happier, more positive place!
Remember, we all started somewhere, and THIS is a family where everyone, from BEGINNER to EXPERT, is able to learn, build and grow together!
Catch you inside!

Matt Williams
The Drone Mentor